Kendriya Vidyalaya NIT Silchar has embarked on a commendable initiative aimed at fostering social responsibility and environmental sustainability. The school has launched a unique “Cloth Bank,” where anyone, including students, staff, and the local community, can donate old or unused clothes. These collected items are then distributed to those in need, ensuring that the unused garments find a purpose in helping the less fortunate. The distribution is done periodically or once the collection reaches capacity.
In addition to the cloth bank, the school has also initiated a project focused on collecting used or waste pens. These pens, often discarded without a second thought, are gathered by students and staff with the goal of either recycling them or transforming them into artistic creations. Teachers at KV NIT Silchar guide the students in reusing these waste materials creatively, teaching them the importance of upcycling and resource conservation.
Both of these efforts reflect the school’s dedication to environmental sustainability, social service, and creative education, instilling valuable lessons about responsible consumption and giving back to society. Through such initiatives, KV NIT Silchar continues to play an important role in shaping socially conscious and environmentally aware citizens.